The Role Of Packaging Design In Creating An Omnichannel Brand Experience

The Role Of Packaging Design In Creating An Omnichannel Brand Experience

In today’s competitive retail landscape, establishing a consistent and engaging brand experience across multiple sales channels is vital for business success. Packaging design plays a pivotal role in achieving an effective omnichannel strategy. This article explores the concept of omnichannel, examines the differences between packaging 

How Your Small Business Can Maintain Sufficient Packaging Inventory

How Your Small Business Can Maintain Sufficient Packaging Inventory

Packaging inventory management impacts small businesses more than owners may suspect. However, if you don’t have effective inventory packaging strategies or use outdated optimization methods, you could create supply chain bottlenecks that impact your business performance.  Depleting your packaging inventory leads to delayed shipments, missed 

How to Choose the Right Colors for Your Product Packages

How to Choose the Right Colors for Your Product Packages

There are many different elements of product packaging that businesses need to consider. You need to choose what type of packaging material to buy for each of your products, make important decisions about the shape and size of the package, design the label and logo, 

Untamed Naturals

Untamed Naturals

We spoke with customer, Untamed Natural Care, a California-based business offering plant-based, eco-friendly, and certified cruelty-free skincare products. Follow this post to learn more about their journey in the skincare and packaging spaces.

National Laundry Day: Refilling Our Way Forward

National Laundry Day: Refilling Our Way Forward

At its core, recycling is centered around reusable packaging. Since the COVID-19 pandemic started, brands large and small are focusing more on their sustainability efforts, with their customers becoming more health-conscious and aware of environmental changes over the years. Click here to learn more.

Energy Drinks

Energy Drinks

We live in busy times, and more and more people are looking for energy drinks to give them a productivity boost throughout the day. Choosing the proper energy drink packaging is crucial if you want your beverages to stand out in this increasingly crowded industry.

How To Find The Perfect Packages For A New Beverage Brand

How To Find The Perfect Packages For A New Beverage Brand

Most brands understand the importance of beverage packaging, but it’s important to remember how many different aspects of sales rely on high-quality packages. Learn about the importance of finding the perfect packages for your new beverage brands here.

Booch Day: A Brief History & Quality Options to Buy

Booch Day: A Brief History & Quality Options to Buy

National Booch Day is a day that celebrates kombucha tea, but many people don’t know where its roots are from beyond its most recent commercial success. Here we’ll take a look at the history of Kombucha and quality options you should know about.

3 Things To Keep In Mind When Using Pressure Sensitive Liners (PS22)

Pressure sensitive liner is designed with an EVA-based pressure sensitive (PS) adhesive coated on foamseal (extruded foamed Polystyrene) and a release coating on the back that does not come in contact with the product. It adheres to either glass or plastic bottles when applied and 

Understanding liners, and their appropriate uses

Most of our plastic CT or metal CT caps (CT stands for continuous thread) comes with a liner. While there are many different liners out on the market today, we stock several commonly used liners for different applications (solid, liquid, essential oil, powder, carbonated liquid,