What Type of Peppers Should I Use for My Hot Sauce?

What Type of Peppers Should I Use for My Hot Sauce?

Every good hot sauce starts with a good pepper. Knowing what kind of pepper to put in your sauce is key to mastering a variety of recipes you may wish to sell to hot sauce lovers around the world. Today’s peppers are stronger, more intense, 

Trends in Condiments and Sauces

Trends in Condiments and Sauces

The condiment and sauce industries are continually growing and expanding, with each manufacturer giving their all to create the tastiest condiment and sauce recipe. To reach a high level of success, you have to consistently think outside of the box and experiment with new and 

How to Preserve Your Hot Sauce to Increase Shelf Life

How to Preserve Your Hot Sauce to Increase Shelf Life

Hot sauce lovers worldwide have collections of their favorite sauces taking up a lot of real estate in their cabinets. The favorite sauces may get used up quickly. But the remaining sauces that are used only occasionally, may be at risk of going bad. To 

The Hot Sauce Heat Index

The Hot Sauce Heat Index

Spicy peppers, salsas, and sauces can seem mild to one person and unbelievably hot to the next. The hotness of foods is subjective, and to more accurately measure the true hotness of a product, professionals in the hot sauce industry rely on two testing methods: 

Bottle Your Own Hot Sauce

Bottle Your Own Hot Sauce

If you have been told your hot sauce bottles should be on every shelf in the store, why not make that dream a reality? Hot sauce entrepreneurs today have many advantages over their predecessors. With technology and social media marketing, you can be well on 

The History of Hot Sauce

The History of Hot Sauce

Hot sauce has been around a long time, although its popularity is booming now more than ever. While people around the world have been enjoying hot sauce since they first discovered the tastiness of chili peppers thousands of years ago, the first commercial sauce hit 

The 10 Most Iconic Glass Bottles In History

The 10 Most Iconic Glass Bottles In History

First posted at our parent company http://www.oberk.com, this infographic shows the 10 most iconic glass bottles in history. For the full infographic, please click here. You see countless bottle designs on grocery aisles, home goods store shelves, and restaurant tables. But only a select few 

The Salsa Lover’s Guide to Making Your Own Salsa Jars

The Salsa Lover’s Guide to Making Your Own Salsa Jars

The Salsa Lover’s Guide to Making Your Own Salsa Jars How To Preserve Homemade Salsa Canning is a popular way to keep fresh foods from spoiling. It takes cooking to the next level, using high heat to prevent the natural spoiling process of foods inside 

3 Things To Keep In Mind When Using Pressure Sensitive Liners (PS22)

Pressure sensitive liner is designed with an EVA-based pressure sensitive (PS) adhesive coated on foamseal (extruded foamed Polystyrene) and a release coating on the back that does not come in contact with the product. It adheres to either glass or plastic bottles when applied and 

Understanding liners, and their appropriate uses

Most of our plastic CT or metal CT caps (CT stands for continuous thread) comes with a liner. While there are many different liners out on the market today, we stock several commonly used liners for different applications (solid, liquid, essential oil, powder, carbonated liquid,