Guide to Bottling and Selling Your Own Essential Oils

Interest in essential oils has been steadily increasing and the demand for these oils has never been higher. Essential oils are products created by the distillation or the mechanical processing (cold-pressing) of plants or the rinds of citrus fruits. Once the distillation process is complete, the essential oils of the plant are physically separated from the water or steam used during distillation. This produces a true essential oil, used for a variety of reasons, including aromatherapy and to improve overall health.
Getting into the Essential Oil Business
With demand so high for essential oils, those interested in creating their own products will find a variety of oils easy to extract from its plant or rind source. Producing essential oils can be a lucrative business but one which will depend on the quality of bottling and the marketing of the product. Because the essential oil business has become highly competitive, it is critical to have the right packaging to attract consumer attention.
There are 5 key considerations for choosing the right container to bottle and sell handcrafted essential oils. These considerations include:
How Will the Oil Be Applied?
There are a number of bottling options available for essential oil packaging. In addition to the appearance of the packaging, it is crucial to figure out the practical use of the essential oil to decide what kind of bottle and bottle assembly needs to be used. Essential oils can be provided in bottles with a dropper assembly used for precise measurements. Oils may also be distributed in bottles with a dabber or roll-on assembly. Spray bottles may be needed for essential oils used as a fragrance. There may also be a need for essential oils to be bottled in an easy-to-pour container. Quality of the caps used for essential oils is also very important for the protection of the product. If caps are ill-fitting, the oils will quickly evaporate.
Choosing the Bottle Color and Style
Due to a heavy saturation of essential oils in the marketplace, it is important to differentiate a product from everyone else’s line of oils. This is where the color and shape of the bottle chosen becomes important. Selling an essential oil bottle should take some careful consideration. Take a closer look at the other essential oil products already on the market to get an idea of what an ‘average’ bottle looks like before making a definite decision. Consumers can easily be influenced by an attractive color or a unique bottle shape or label design, and often make purchases based on first impressions.
Another consideration is the bottle’s color. Many essential oil producers bottle their products in colored glass bottles. The color provides a natural protection for the oils from the sun’s UV rays. While some sellers now prefer a brighter, eye-catching color for products, many still choose amber-colored glass for practical reasons. Clear bottles can be used to highlight a uniquely colored oil to attract consumer attention but may not be the practical choice.
Essential oils are usually packaged in smaller bottle sizes, such as 5ml and 10m. It will be important to consider the dispensing amount when using dropper and pipette caps. As many essential oils are used as part of a recipe, the measurement of each drop dispensed at one time will need to be calculated. This measurement will depend on the size and manufacturer style of the droppers and pipettes.
Bottle Durability
Not all bottles are created equally. It is important to do research to determine the quality of the glass or plastic being used to make the bottle. Many oil producers prefer to store their products in glass bottles. Using plastic bottles can compromise the quality of the oil and in some cases, the low-quality plastic containers may even leak the oils during storage. The concentrated oils can eat through the plastic container. Diluted oils, such as those used in recipes for lotions and creams, can safely be stored in a plastic container. Essential oils also need to be protected from sunlight, heat, air, and moisture. All of those factors must be considered when choosing the right oil bottle in order to protect the integrity of the product, especially for oils with a substantial shelf life.
Another factor concerning bottle durability is understanding how products will be shipped to customers or suppliers. Low-quality glass bottles may not be able to withstand the shipping process, breaking bottles and destroying the oils before they reach the consumer, even when the best packaging methods are used. Having high-quality, durable bottles from the start will ensure a business always provides high-quality products to the customer.
Find the right durable container for future essential oils sales before spending a lot of money buying in bulk. Once the right bottle size, shape, and color has been determined quantities can be ordered in bulk to save money. If the wrong bottles are bought in large quantities, a lot of money is wasted upfront.
Controlling Overhead
Getting started in the essential oils business is time-intensive and requires an initial investment of money for supplies and production costs. There will be money lost during the trial and error period so buying in bulk right out of the gate is not recommended. Start small, producing only a few oil types and research cheap or free marketing items to help spread the word about products and gain momentum in the market. For the business to be successful, overhead costs should be controlled at all times. This means decisions should be made before a lot of money is invested in the production of the essential oils.
Decisions about the brand’s image is important and can go a long way to creating a profitable business. Choosing the right bottle, the right label format, and the right marketing concepts (business name, logo) can solidify the brand’s image early on. This will help consumers identify the brand and keep production costs low. Once all decisions have been made, tracking costs for production and marketing will be easier. Essential oil bottles and caps can be bought in bulk quantities for a much lower price than individually.
Tracking costs during production, for shipping, and for marketing will help make pricing essential oils easier. Without tracking expenses, many vendors start out operating at a loss and things can quickly go downhill from there.
Proper Inventory
Another important decision to make concerning the sale of essential oils involves the quantities in which the oils will be sold. Many oil producers prefer to only sell individual bottles but there is a lot of interest in essential oil sets. If the product line will be sold as a set, it is important to keep bottles uniform in both size, shape, and color. Mismatched sets can look unprofessional and may be a turn off for the consumer.
It is also important to have the proper inventory on hand to fulfill sales. Having an adequate inventory of bottles and caps will ensure oils can be produced and shipped in a reasonable amount of time. Customers may not return if they have to wait too long for their purchases. Buying essential oil bottles and printed labels in bulk can provide adequate inventory for on-time shipments. It is also important to consider how much oils can be produced in a certain period of time to ensure all orders can be completed and shipped in a reasonable amount of time.
More Tips for Building Your Brand
Branding is a critical part of selling any product. Consider the effort going into national brands easily recognizable thanks to television commercials, silly jingles, and attention-grabbing packaging. Even though an essential oil business may start out small, the right branding and marketing plan can immediately set one product apart from the others.
Once the essential oil bottle has been chosen, additional packaging materials need to be considered. Labels should contain the required information for essential oils including but not limited to:
- Name of plant source
- Expiration date
- Extraction process used
- Storage instructions
It is important to note essential oils are highly flammable. It is important for labels to convey this information to the consumer. Essential oils should never be stored near sources of excessive heat, fire, or flames. Proper storage of the oils is important to protect the product and to prevent accidents. Consumers should also be advised to keep oils out of the direct sunlight to prevent deterioration of the product.
In addition to the required information, designing the bottle label with a signature style will help build a brand. Some essential oil businesses may opt for a bright, showing design style while others create a more modern, clean-looking design. Ideally, the product being sold is a reflection of the person making it. Adding a bit of personality and style can immediately set products apart from the others in the marketplace. Buying bottles which come pre-printed with the labels already attached can speed up production time and lessen the amount of work needing to be done prior to shipment.
Tips for Getting Your Essential Oil Business Off the Ground
The marketing process for essential oils is a commitment. No one can expect to make a lot of sales without constant advertising. There are a lot of ways to get the word out about an essential oil business and many of them don’t require a large financial investment.
Here are some bonus tips for marketing an essential oil business:
- Start Close to Home – Friends and family are often a products biggest supporters initially. They will not only buy products from someone they know, they are more likely to do word-of-mouth advertising for the business. Give samples for the loved ones to try and show around to their friends and neighbors. This small grassroots approach to marketing can help get a business off the ground.
- Teach a Course – Essential oils are exploding in popularity but not everyone understands what they are or how to use them. Set yourself up as an oil expert online and in your area. Teach classes at the local community center or produce a series of videos for use online. Facebook, YouTube, and other social media platforms can transform you into a reliable source of both information and products.
- Participate in Community Events – If there are festivals and other events in your local area, sign up to be a vendor. Bring along your product, business cards, and literature about what your essential oils are about and how to use them. As you grow comfortable attending these events, start venturing further from home to network with a new customer base.
- Meet with Local Retailers – Small businesses in your area may be open to selling your products on consignment or who may wish to buy smaller quantities of your product on a trial run. Meet up in person with retailers operating a business where essential oils make sense. Farmers markets are also a good idea but will require someone to work at the stand during business hours.
- Online Sales – There may be a lot more competition online for essential oil sales but it is still a relatively affordable option to generate sales. Partner with a larger company who can sell your products or open your own online store.
There are many ways an essential oils business can gather attention in the marketplace. Whether the goal is to achieve larger, international sales or satisfaction through a small group of loyal customers, bottling and selling essential oils has the potential to become a successful venture.
i have been using essential oil and had made few product using essential oil.. i am thinking of making my own label. thanks for your post.
Jonathan. Thanks for this. It enlightens me.
Hi sir,
I gone through your website it was nice information & I want some information actually I’m planning to sell my own brand essential oil please let us know
I am making kombucha tee and my business is growing very good. But as a woman I would like to make cosmetic i products from the scoby (that I use to make the tee of) It is
wonderful for your skin – I am interesting in making kombucha oil, kombucha scrap and also kombucha mask – please can you help me
Hello Jonathan,
What an excellent article.
The effort put into it must be a direct reflection of your commitment to the company ethos.
I am currently a massage therapist qualified in Swedish massage.
I have one question: if I was to begin selling essential oils, what online shop/software would you recommend?
I have came across shops such as Etsy, Amazon, etc.
thinking of making my own label.
liquor bottles wholesale
We are looking for a company who can do bottling and labeling for us . If you can recommend
Hi there I would like the make and sell my essential oils from home, do i need to register this home based business, curious to know and thank u
Greetings Jonathan,
I’m interested in making my own ginger oil rub. I make it for myself and it’s been a good year that I’ve seen and felt the relief it gives me. I need some help in setting up my business . Do I need a business license? Also, would a label on my bottles be enough to cover any legal issues since I want to sell as remedy? Kinda of nervous but I know this oil works and to be honest enjoy the benefits. Please advise:)
are there any regulations that need to be considered when going down the selling of essential oil roller bottle blends? Thank you, your website was very helpful.
need more info on bottling and packaging essential oils
Thank you for the writeup any amount estimation or things to consider when putting the capital together and also the shipment of the oil itself!
Thanks for the creating this really wonderful post. I am glad to find you on web.
Thanks for sharing this guide, I wanted to start my business somehow it would be helpful for me .
I was a physician in middleceast now in canada , i want to extract nigella sativa oil by cold pressing machines ,do i need certificatess from health canada or …? Thank you
Iif I want to produce 100 bottles of blended essential oils, can I mix all in one big jar, and transfer the amount each 10ml to a smaller bottle? My concern is that the combination of say 5-6 essential oils blended would not be distributed evenly to the smaller bottles. Would that be the case?
Hi Maria – You can absolutely mix your oils in a larger jar and transfer your blend to 10ml bottles. We recommend using a transfer pipette to transfer your oils to the smaller containers.
I am interested in starting my own essential oil company in California, but I am having a hard time finding any information on possible required permits and certifications. Do I need a permit to run a steam distiller and manufacture my own products? Is there a health/safety inspection required? I will only be using certified organic plant matter, so how do I make my company certified organic so I can put it on the label?
Any info would be great!
Wonderful article! Thank you so much
How and where do I get what is necessary to steralise the bottles and caps please?
Could you tell me how could I go about making my own brand of oil, and do you have any samples Of oils I could have.
Thank you,
Priscilla Tomoney
Do you have any advice for my selling my essential oil inventory, online store, and clients. I am retiring and only doing teachings and webinars.
Hi, i am writing from Singapore, i’m establishing an essential oil business in singapore, but i have tried few types of essential oils bottles, but all are not at very good quality, and that makes my essential oils with different type of bottles. i understand that you don’t ship out USA, but i still would like to request if you could send the order to singapore ? i hope to hear from you soon, thank you.
Shananka Herbal Institute is new, we are building, searching and learning. We are grateful to have found such vital information and have taken note. It will used for our essential oil line of products. Thank you Jonathan
I’ currently sell fragrance oils through a whole seller but with my own label/logo and custom bottles I will be doing when I design my website, since there are so many fragrances how many fragrances should I start out with on my website and what choices?
thanks for this , i was thinking to start my own essential oil business and i was scared but after seeing this article i’m all in
Good Day
inquiry about your item listed,Please inform me on:
– if Shipping to Nicaragua, Central America (if possible)
– How many items you have available for sale
– If credit card is accepted?
– Delivery lead time ?
– Do you have a catalog price list please?
I awaits your soonest response.
I’m sorry we do not currently ship internationally, only to addresses within the U.S. and Canada.
Trying to start my own oil
This blog is very great and useful, Thank you for Sharing.
We own a Pilates studio and my wife sells oils through it to our members. We have taken the softly softly approach – there are some shonks out there – but the thing we have found works the best for us in terms selling our own bottled products is to label them as their purpose. For example, we used to just label the roller bottle with the oils found within the mix… crickets… Once we changed the labels to things like “calm”, “Ënergiser” and “Stress” for example, they sold like hotcakes.
Very helpful blog and thanks for sharing the details
I am looking wood press oil training class for start oil business, can some one please give training..
Hi Thanks for sharing the information about how we can bottling and selling our own essential oils
Informative article. I have bookmarked it for future references. Thanks for sharing such an valuable article.
Hi I am in the UK and producing water soluble CBD products in my lab. I thought the article was extremely informative as I am thinking of adding essential oils to some of my CBD topical products.
Very informative post, thanks for sharing.
Great Article!
However, I have a question. My girlfriend has problems
in breathing and difficulty in sense of smell.
We tried a lot of methods- from Ayurveda to normal
medication but nothing seems to help.
Can essential oils help in this case? If yes, how?
Great article that is ….keep it up
Thanks for sharing this amazing blog with us .
Your blog is amazing it gives of ideas and information about bottling our essential oil.
Helpful content, keep up the good work, Thank You!
Excellent. very helpful. thanks
Hi Thanks for sharing the information about essential oils
Hi Thanks for sharing the information about guide to selling own essential oils
Hi Thanks for sharing the information about the bottling and selling essential oils
Very helpful inputs regarding the essential oil business !!!
Hii..Great tips..!!
Interesting, good job, and thanks for sharing such a best guide. It is very helpful for me and everyone This is such a great resource that you are providing and you give it away for free. Thanks again.
Hi, I am interested in starting a fragrance business using essential oils. My plan us too sell online but I’m really not sure what I need outside of the products and the places I’m planning to sell online. I figured I need I business license but I’m not sure about taxes etc. Also I could really use some tips on inexpensive marketing as funds are very limited. The information you’ve provided was beneficially to me so I’m hoping you have other info to share. Please help me!
Thanks for sharing this useful information.
I really love the different ways or tips regarding essential oil and I hope every one of us learned the new ways.
This is a wonderful article. I have saved it for future reference
Hi thanks for sharing the information
thanks for sharing the informatioj