How to Choose the Right Colors for Your Product Packages

How to Choose the Right Colors for Your Product Packages

There are many different elements of product packaging that businesses need to consider. You need to choose what type of packaging material to buy for each of your products, make important decisions about the shape and size of the package, design the label and logo, 

Environmentally Conscious Packaging: Post Consumer Resin Bottles and Jars

Environmentally Conscious Packaging: Post Consumer Resin Bottles and Jars continues to take steps towards building a vast library of environmentally conscious packaging through expanding our assortment of recycled Post-Consumer Resin (PCR) bottles, jars, and closures.

The Impacts of COVID-19 on Supply Chain Issues and the Packaging Industry

The Impacts of COVID-19 on Supply Chain Issues and the Packaging Industry

The supply chain disruptions due to COVID range from limited packaging materials to slower fulfillment speeds, which means it takes longer for your customers to receive their products. Understanding how these COVID supply chain problems impact you can help you adapt and resume steady operations that help your business thrive.

Woman Millenial-Owned Food And Beverage Brands That Are Taking Over The Industry

Woman Millenial-Owned Food And Beverage Brands That Are Taking Over The Industry

While many legacy brands are still in solid positions in this industry, new products created by young women entrepreneurs claim their fair share of the market. These innovative products create fresh favorite food and beverage brands by the day, so let’s look at five of these companies and the young, successful entrepreneurs behind them.

Energy Drinks

Energy Drinks

We live in busy times, and more and more people are looking for energy drinks to give them a productivity boost throughout the day. Choosing the proper energy drink packaging is crucial if you want your beverages to stand out in this increasingly crowded industry.

How To Find The Perfect Packages For A New Beverage Brand

How To Find The Perfect Packages For A New Beverage Brand

Most brands understand the importance of beverage packaging, but it’s important to remember how many different aspects of sales rely on high-quality packages. Learn about the importance of finding the perfect packages for your new beverage brands here.

Cold-Pressed Juice Bottles

Cold-Pressed Juice Bottles

Cold-pressed juices can be much healthier than other juices because a cold-press only includes 100% fruit and/or vegetables, with no sweeteners or artificial ingredients. If you’re looking to capitalize on the juice cleanse trend, you’ll need to find the perfect wholesale cold-pressed juice bottles to store and ship your product. Read on to learn more.

Demand For Immunity-Boosting Beverages Skyrockets Due To COVID-19

Demand For Immunity-Boosting Beverages Skyrockets Due To COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic created significant shifts in consumer attitudes, but these changes will likely fade away. For instance, consumers are not expected to be eating as much takeout heading into 2022 and beyond. But some trends do seem destined to stick around. Click here to read the full story.

Cyber Week: shop cyber this holiday season with these featured businesses

Cyber Week: shop cyber this holiday season with these featured businesses

As we unwind from our Thanksgiving meals and Black Friday shopping, we turn our attention to the upcoming week. Specifically, all things Cyber (shopping) week. Since it began in 2005, Cyber Monday has become a can’t miss holiday shopping tradition, both online and in-person, that 



We recently spoke to Bottlestore customer, Fermenting Fairy, a California-based business that makes unique probiotic food and beverages through wild fermentation. Click here to read the full interview.