BOTTLESTORIES- Boocha Boocha For Life

BOTTLESTORIES- Boocha Boocha For Life

We recently spoke to Bottlestore customer, Boocha Boocha For Life, a Texas based Bar and Taproom that sells home brewed kombucha, plant-based desserts, juices, coffee and tea, among other locally produced items on their menu. Click here to read the full interview.

Kombucha Popularity Makes Beverage Market Growth Soar

Kombucha Popularity Makes Beverage Market Growth Soar

Kombucha may be a somewhat new trend among the health conscious but truth be told, this fermented tea beverage has been around for over 2,000 years. Kombucha has roots in the Far East, where it was touted by the Chinese for its amazing health benefits. 

Bottling Your Own Kombucha

Bottling Your Own Kombucha

Bottles of kombucha, a fermented tea and sugar drink, are flying off the shelves these days. Kombucha is a popular mainstream beverage but also relatively easy to make at home. Research has shown kombucha has many health benefits and fully supports a healthy immune system. 

Kombucha and Its Impact on Your Health

Kombucha and Its Impact on Your Health

Health-conscious consumers have been shining a spotlight on the many health benefits of the kombucha drink. Kombucha, a fermented beverage made with tea and sugar, has been blowing up in popularity thanks to its proven health benefits. It is also a popular drink choice for 

Five Kombucha Bottle Branding Trends We Love Right Now

Five Kombucha Bottle Branding Trends We Love Right Now

Kombucha sales have been soaring in recent years thanks to the consumer’s desire for better health. The ready-to-drink kombucha bottle beverages are dominating shelves everywhere – from health food stores to neighborhood groceries. The ancient Chinese fermented drink offers many flavor possibilities and is easy 

Kombucha and Kefir and Kvass, Oh My!

Kombucha and Kefir and Kvass, Oh My!

Probiotic drinks are increasing in popularity due to their powerful effect on one’s health, especially the gut area. Recent research indicates an unhealthy colon can create many other serious health problems. If the colon is sick, many other systems in the human body can be 

Follow Up : Filling your Food and Beverage Product in a Food Grade Safe Glass and Plastic Bottle

Follow Up : Filling your Food and Beverage Product in a Food Grade Safe Glass and Plastic Bottle

This is a follow-up to our Packaging Crash Course’s article : Is My Glass Bottle and Plastic Bottle Food-Grade Safe? Finding the right bottle for your food and beverage product is never easy. The capacity, the design, the shelf appeal, the shelf life, the label 

Which Plastic Bottles Are BPA Free?

Which Plastic Bottles Are BPA Free?

If you are new to BottleStore or just browsing through, welcome. For those of you who are familiar with BottleStore: Its parent company O.Berk, you will no doubt have come in contact with our Packaging Crash Course site, a library of articles, infographics, and videos. 

Understanding liners, and their appropriate uses

Most of our plastic CT or metal CT caps (CT stands for continuous thread) comes with a liner. While there are many different liners out on the market today, we stock several commonly used liners for different applications (solid, liquid, essential oil, powder, carbonated liquid, 

Plastic bottle options at – how to pick the right one?

If you are a regular visitor of our parent company’s blog, you might’ve read a post about finding the right plastic bottles for your product. In that article we went into technical details about common plastic resins and their properties such as moisture barrier,