Cyber Week: shop cyber this holiday season with these featured businesses

Cyber Week: shop cyber this holiday season with these featured businesses

As we unwind from our Thanksgiving meals and Black Friday shopping, we turn our attention to the upcoming week. Specifically, all things Cyber (shopping) week. Since it began in 2005, Cyber Monday has become a can’t miss holiday shopping tradition, both online and in-person, that 

Trends in the Supplement Industry: What Are Consumers Looking For?

Trends in the Supplement Industry: What Are Consumers Looking For?

If you operate a business in the supplement industry, it’s important to keep track of the latest trends. Consumers in the supplement marketplace can be fickle, as manufacturers are locked in a constant race to see who can produce the most in-demand products in an 

The Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994

The Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994

Back in the eighties and nineties, the United States was trying to find a way to boost the effectiveness and power of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Several potential bills found their way to Congress in these years, including the Nutrition Advertising Coordination Act 

The Benefits of Vitamins and Supplements

The Benefits of Vitamins and Supplements

In recent years, the vitamin and dietary supplement industry has experienced significant growth as people look for ways to boost their healthy lifestyles. Whether you own and operate a vitamin and supplement manufacturing business or if you’re simply interested in these products to enhance your 

3 Things To Keep In Mind When Using Pressure Sensitive Liners (PS22)

Pressure sensitive liner is designed with an EVA-based pressure sensitive (PS) adhesive coated on foamseal (extruded foamed Polystyrene) and a release coating on the back that does not come in contact with the product. It adheres to either glass or plastic bottles when applied and 

Understanding liners, and their appropriate uses

Most of our plastic CT or metal CT caps (CT stands for continuous thread) comes with a liner. While there are many different liners out on the market today, we stock several commonly used liners for different applications (solid, liquid, essential oil, powder, carbonated liquid,