Sapphire Candles Co.

Sapphire Candles Co.

Sapphire Candles Co. :  Email:, Instagram:  Facebook: recently had the opportunity to speak to Sapphire Candles Co., a producer of high-quality candles that are handmade with soy wax.

“I am a big dreamer, I want Sapphire Candles Co. to grow more. I dedicated my time to making sure each candle is made to satisfy my customers’ expectations,” owner and founder Wendy Hernandez said.

Wendy shared that her inspiration to start Sapphire Candles came from being a customer first.

“I started in this candle business because I am a candle lover. At first, as a customer, I’m always looking for good quality products, then I decide to do it myself to meet the customers’ expectations in a product.”

“I want to give people what I was looking for in a candle, a good quality product that will bring a smile to a person every time they light up. I would like to span my social media, to let people know of my candle and other products we have. And I would like to open my own website so people can reach my product from any state.”

She spoke on her packaging process and the importance that packaging has on each sale.

“At first, we started with our local markets to get my products and packages.  I was looking for the one that looked good and had the best quality and good price too.”

“I decide to use because they have what I was looking for: good quality, Fast shipping, And the price was right, also their good reviews gave me the reliance to buy from them and the way they ship their products is always on point.”

“It is the way customers see us and see the hard work we put into our candles. To our company packaging is important because a good quality product says everything to my customer. So, if I get my package on time and it’s 100% in good condition. I can provide my customer with the same satisfaction.”

Wendy closed with a few parting words for readers and businesses interested in looking for their next packaging supplier.

“I will recommend to friends and customers.  Because they have everything you need to make your dream come true. They have the ability, the passion, and the responsibility that you are looking for in a company and they are always there when you need them no matter the problem, they always have a solution for it.”

“Your product helped me to complete my candle business.  They were just the right jars, the quality was good, and it was the idea that I had on my mind for the designs of my candles.”

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