Author: Edward Cook

Guide to Liquor Bottle Sizes: From Nips to Magnums

Guide to Liquor Bottle Sizes: From Nips to Magnums

This comprehensive guide delves into the world of liquor bottle sizes, exploring everything from the most common options to the more unique formats. We’ll equip you with the knowledge to make informed decisions, whether you’re a distiller crafting your signature spirit or a consumer seeking 

Packaging Trends for Small Businesses in 2024: Navigating the Future of Packaging

Packaging Trends for Small Businesses in 2024: Navigating the Future of Packaging

As we step into 2024, the landscape of packaging for small businesses is rapidly evolving, shaped by both consumer expectations and technological advancements. For small businesses, staying abreast of these changes is not just about keeping up; it’s about leveraging opportunities to stand out in 

Unboxing Experience: Small Businesses Mastering the Art of Packaging

Unboxing Experience: Small Businesses Mastering the Art of Packaging

In the era of digital storefronts and social media marketing, the physical touchpoint between a brand and its customers — the packaging — has taken on a new level of significance. This is where the concept of the “unboxing experience” comes into play, a phenomenon 

What To Look For When Shopping For Clean Beauty Products

What To Look For When Shopping For Clean Beauty Products

If you’ve recently gone down the aisles of your favorite store or market’s beauty section, you’ve probably seen the increase in beauty products that are labeled as “clean,” “sustainable,” “organic,” “all-natural,” and “green.” These terms sound very on-trend with sustainability buzzwords, but we’re sure you’re 

Recycled Glass Gives Materials New Life

Recycled Glass Gives Materials New Life

Glass is a universal container, building material, and art component that we’ve relied on for centuries. Food brands and manufacturers depend on glass to store sodas, fruit spreads, pickled vegetables, and other goods.  While glass is invaluable and many of us rely on it in 



Often, the BottleStore team is presented with many questions related to packaging, and some come across our inbox more than others. One of those common questions that pop up often is, “How can I measure how many ounces can my container hold?” Click here to learn more.

How To Make DIY Hand Sanitizer

How To Make DIY Hand Sanitizer

For those moments when you’re in a pinch and can’t get to soap and water in time, it is always a smart move to keep some hand sanitizer close by.   The next few easy steps will allow you to create your hand sanitizer with 

What Do You Do with Empty Glass Jars? 21 New Ideas

What Do You Do with Empty Glass Jars? 21 New Ideas

Crafty folks find glass jars to be a versatile medium to work with in a variety of projects. Glass jars range in a variety of sizes and shapes so you can use them in all sorts of ways around the home and garden. From DIY