Follow Up : The Right Bar Top Cork For My Spirits Bottle

Follow Up : The Right Bar Top Cork For My Spirits Bottle

The Spirits scene has been exploding in the past several years, and it seems there is a new micro brewery or distiller coming online everyday. Who can blame them? There are a lot of creative brewers and distillers out there, each with their distinct formula 

Follow Up : Getting a Sprayer Or Pump With The Right Dip Tube Length

Follow Up : Getting a Sprayer Or Pump With The Right Dip Tube Length

If you want a sprayer or lotion pump with your glass or plastic bottle, you might have noticed that each sprayer or pump will have a dip tube that reach all the way to the bottom of the bottle. Some of them are bent a 

3 Things To Keep In Mind When Using Pressure Sensitive Liners (PS22)

Pressure sensitive liner is designed with an EVA-based pressure sensitive (PS) adhesive coated on foamseal (extruded foamed Polystyrene) and a release coating on the back that does not come in contact with the product. It adheres to either glass or plastic bottles when applied and 

Understanding liners, and their appropriate uses

Most of our plastic CT or metal CT caps (CT stands for continuous thread) comes with a liner. While there are many different liners out on the market today, we stock several commonly used liners for different applications (solid, liquid, essential oil, powder, carbonated liquid,