How To Create A Signature Line Of Products For Your Spa

How To Create A Signature Line Of Products For Your Spa

If you’re looking to differentiate your spa from the rest and have the ambition to follow through, it may be time to consider the many benefits of creating a signature line of products all your own. In the spa business today, competition is tough and 

How Do Soap Dispenser Pumps Work?

How Do Soap Dispenser Pumps Work?

If you’re in the business of crafting handmade liquid soaps, you should learn a little more about what makes a soap dispenser pump so convenient to use. At, we offer a variety of dispensing caps that make it easy to use liquid and foam 

How To Make Fizzing, Iridescent Mermaid & Galaxy Bath Salts

How To Make Fizzing, Iridescent Mermaid & Galaxy Bath Salts

As bath products rise in popularity, trends from the fashion world trickle down and become ever more present in those products that turn your bath time into a sensational treatment. Customers love when their everyday necessities match their home goods and favorite outfits, creating social media worthy snapshots to 

Trends in Bath Salts

Trends in Bath Salts

The beauty industry is constantly moving forward. In recent times, bath-specific products have been seeing a large increase in popularity and sales. Products such as bath bombs and shower gels are experiencing explosive growth on a global scale. Bath salts, in particular, are growing in 

What Are the Therapeutic Differences Between Magnesium Sulfate and Magnesium Chloride Bath Salts?

What Are the Therapeutic Differences Between Magnesium Sulfate and Magnesium Chloride Bath Salts?

When considering the ingredients that go into your homemade packaged bath salts, it’s important to understand how different ingredients can benefit bath salt users. Two popular ingredients in different types of bath salts include magnesium sulfate, more commonly known as Epsom salts, and magnesium chloride. 

Make Your Own Bath Bombs

Make Your Own Bath Bombs

If you have a passion for crafting your own beauty products, deliciously scented bath bombs are an easy option. Bath bombs not only offer a luxurious and relaxing bath experience, they can also be an ideal side business if you’re looking for a little extra 

History of Bath Salts

History of Bath Salts

If you make and sell handmade bath salts, you may understand the health benefits of your product but not its interesting history. Chinese pharmacology records dating all the way back to 2700 B.C. show the medicinal use of bath salts. In these early records, over 

Why Do Bath Bombs Fizz?

Why Do Bath Bombs Fizz?

Ever wondered what puts the fizz in a quality bath bomb? If you’re new to the bath salt business, you may not yet understand the science behind the fizzing bath bomb. What you may know is how popular these bath salt products are becoming across 

Bath Salts Ingredients

Bath Salts Ingredients

While the results of a DIY bath salt project can differ dramatically depending on your favorite colors and scents, bath salt ingredients are actually pretty simple. There are many ways to tweak a bath salt recipe but you need to first start with a good 

Business Opportunities In The Rapidly Growing Cannabis Industry

Business Opportunities In The Rapidly Growing Cannabis Industry

The cannabis industry is growing by leaps and bounds, and for those with an entrepreneurial spirit there is strong potential for money-making opportunities. Because there is a lot that goes into a marijuana-related business, you can find your niche in a number of different areas of