How to Make Essential Oils

How to Make Essential Oils

For those not afraid of a little DIY project, making essential oils of your own can be a great investment both for your finances and your health. Essential oils are extracted from numerous common plants. Different oils come from different parts of the plant including 

The 10 Most Iconic Glass Bottles In History

The 10 Most Iconic Glass Bottles In History

First posted at our parent company, this infographic shows the 10 most iconic glass bottles in history. For the full infographic, please click here. You see countless bottle designs on grocery aisles, home goods store shelves, and restaurant tables. But only a select few 

History of Glass Bottles

History of Glass Bottles

People have used glass bottles for thousands of years. Do you know how they came about and how the production of glass bottles evolved over time? We have put together an infographic that explains the history of glass bottles. Some of the interesting facts you 

Follow Up : Filling your Food and Beverage Product in a Food Grade Safe Glass and Plastic Bottle

Follow Up : Filling your Food and Beverage Product in a Food Grade Safe Glass and Plastic Bottle

This is a follow-up to our Packaging Crash Course’s article : Is My Glass Bottle and Plastic Bottle Food-Grade Safe? Finding the right bottle for your food and beverage product is never easy. The capacity, the design, the shelf appeal, the shelf life, the label 

Follow Up : Understanding Standard and Overflow Capacity

Follow Up : Understanding Standard and Overflow Capacity

This week let’s follow up on Packaging Crash Course’s article back in February “What is the difference between standard and overflow capacity?”. We’ve discuss the definition of both and how understanding the difference of these two measurement can help you finding the bottle that fits 

You Already Know “Ounces!”

You Already Know “Ounces!”

Now Say Hello to Fluid, Weight, Gross and Net! When it comes to labeling your product, a few missing adjectives and precious little space for typography can add up to some pretty hefty confusion. That’s why O. Berk wants you to be on first name 

How to measure neck opening for plastic bottles and glass bottles

When looking for a plastic bottles and glass bottles at, you will find that almost all of the bottles we offer has at least one matching closure that you can choose from. But what if you have an existing bottle or cap in your 

Plastic bottle options at – how to pick the right one?

If you are a regular visitor of our parent company’s blog, you might’ve read a post about finding the right plastic bottles for your product. In that article we went into technical details about common plastic resins and their properties such as moisture barrier,